New Junior League Products Available!

The Junior League as an organization has been around for a long time, but it's only been a few months since their new products have.  And, Greek Happy is now proudly licensed to offer them to Junior League members!

Junior League History

It was at Barnard College around the turn-of-the-century that Mary Harriman decided to form a “junior league” of affluent young women.  These ambitious young women volunteered their time to help cure what they saw as the social ills of their city. The Junior League Movement was built upon and expanded an awareness that women could make a difference in society beyond hearth and home.

It was in 1903 that a prominent woman joined her friend, Mary Harriman to become a Junior League member - and that was Eleanor Roosevelt. The future First Lady actually took her first step in public service as a member of the Junior League of the City of New York. Not surprisingly, Eleanor took on the causes of black people, youth, the poor, and the unemployed.

The Junior League Today

Currently, there are approximately 296 Leagues throughout North America with over 125,000 members including in Mexico, Kenya,and the UK that continue to do the good work and "Find the Good Day."  Members can be proud of their storied history and the amazing contributions they've made to the betterment of humanity worldwide.

On a Personal Note

A few years ago, I was invited to a Junior League Luncheon in the Coachella Valley where I met a group of interesting women who were volunteering their time in their community. The Junior League of Palm Springs Desert Communities was started as an idea shared by my wonderful friend, Jane Foster (4th from the left), with her neighbor and together they decided to start a League in their area where none existed.  Jane had been a member of the League in Los Angeles and when she and her family moved to the desert, she saw the need for a League there. For over 30 years, this League contributed heartily to the Coachella Valley. Jane saw a need and she made it happen.  Kudos to you, Jane!

You can read more about the Junior League of Palm Springs Desert Communities 30-year trajectory as highlighted by this Desert Sun article here

And, you can find out more about membership in the Junior League and how you can make a difference in your community by going to their website.

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